You want to bend my ear?
You want to bend my end?
I'll turn down flesh
but I wouldn't put money on it

The fundamentals still apply
They shoveled dirt over
a corpse called Didact
but nobody got the message

There is no teaching, only learning
Go read your Voltaire, your Marx and your Chomsky
Dig into the Russian troika
and eat hearty, my friend

It's all meaningless until you're ready to learn
Until you break it all down and build it all back up
the sum is less than the worth of its parts
So fill yourself on either side

The day care center for counter-culture casualties still has beds open
A few
We'll call you down through the floorboards
It's elemental, baby

I can tell you everything you need to know
and only succeed in shortening my own life
You won't understand it until you learn it for yourself
If you do

The only consolation is that memory is very, very selective
The caveman never felt bad that there was no penicillin
He just died

Closed minds make my job harder
Limited minds make it harder still
And in the end, very little of it actually matters
For that I truly could weep.

And that is the awful truth.