What’s Yours Is Mine

i can drink and drive because its my right to express myself
i can steal what is yours because it is freedom of speech
i am an abomination and my lawyer is going to get me into heaven
i am a homosexual because i dont want to go to hell when i die

i am a politician and me me me more more more mine mine mine
i like paying taxes so they can find out why whores get pregnant
i am a skinhead because my penis is a skinhead
i am a thief and what is mine is mine and what is yours is mine

i like paying taxes so they can find out why homosexuals like to swallow
i am an american because i want to go to hell when i die
i am guilty of molesting you because my lawyer says i am innocent.
i am not a criminal because i only commit crimes

i am not a prostitute because i am only a slut.
i am uneducated because i went to school to party
i can drink and drive because my lawyer is going to help me kill your children.

i like paying taxes so they can find out why a grasshopper is green
i did not rape you because i only forced myself on you
i don’t drink and drive because i only drive while i drink
i don’t have to pay taxes because i don’t buy what i steal