Learn the difference between imply and infer
There, there and there are actually three different words
Someone told me to give a hundred and ten percent
Here's a free gift - no duh, all gifts are free

Have to deal with people with their heads in the clouds
I have dumb thoughts too but I try not to say them out loud
next person who misuses the word myriad is going to make me scream
You can't fix stupid, I guess that's kinda the main theme

There is So much good music out there
And you listen to terrible strip club music
Nobody backs up their computer
And stop using the same password for every website

Don't start a sentence with I'm not racist, but ....
Over 30 and still a libertarian? you're a fool
"I could care less" is not the correct phraseage
And please stop telling me that everything hapens for a reason

Literally everyone believes that stuff about lemmings|
Go ahead and use Gmail if you want all of your keywords scraped
For Christ's sake it's right there in the terms of service
And please stop saying that we only use ten percent of our brains(it's not true)

Going to defenestrate the next person who tells me "it is what it is"