Rotten Johnny, Sid Vicious
fake punk rock, a total disaster,
A marketing sham, all image, no substance
Let's see how far we can take this

They spat on the crowd, they threw bottles,
Cursed in interviews, caused a lot of troubles.
Mediocre rebellion neatly packaged
For impressionable middle class kids

The Sex Pistols were terrible,

The worst band ever,

They were a disgrace to punk,

And they should be forgotten forever.

Their songs were short and they knew 2 chords,

full of manufactured anger

They didn't care about melody or harmony,

They just wanted to have their name in the papers

Their fans broke their legs jumping on the bandwagon

Most of them could play bass better than Sid

They were a menace to society,

And they should have been stopped a long time ago.

The Sex Pistols were terrible,

The worst band ever,

They were a disgrace to punk,

And they should be forgotten forever.

Put the image and all that aside, and try listening to the music. Seriously.

Some people say that the Sex Pistols were a revolution,

But I don't see it that way.

Snotty British dickheads

Who didn't know what they were doing.

an irrelevant flash in the pan,

Who should have been forgotten.

The Sex Pistols were terrible,

The worst band ever,

They were a disgrace to punk,

And they should be forgotten forever