I enjoy what I do for a living
but it has never been my first choice
I always wanted to work with teenage runaway girls
Work closely with them.
Very closely
One thing which I think is funny is irrational anger
things that certain people will go apeshit over
for no real understandable reason
Here are some things that I have known people
usually friends
to go berserk over
My referring to Charles Bronson as Charles Manson
Repeated references to the word
Insisting that the people who live
in the Sudan are called Sudan meisters
Conspicuous laughter at Wendy's commercials
I know there's more, I'll think of them.
Part Two
Case one seven zero four three eight
Dear Miss Herrera
It has come to our attention
that you are in violation of the mandatory aftercare program
that was a condition of your release
Further violations may result in penalties
up to and including violation of parole and re incarceration
The parole officer assigned to you in the above case
has been notified of this violation
and will report to us regarding your mandatory attendance
at your next scheduled series of schedule two Depo Provera injections
scheduled for Wednesday, march fifth two thousand and tewnty five
the New York State Division of Parole