the actual center of the world is Bayside, Queens
You will never find more fun anywhere
on a Saturday night
Beer fueled fights in front of the 7-11
never elevate past fists
because everyone's too drunk
It's hard to walk in Bayside
and not find a party.
I drove down Bell Boulevard once
completely trashed
really weaving
and all people did was laugh
I think there were cops laughing too.
If there is a gift that the Irish
have given to the world
it is Bayside.
The Flexible Bullet
I don't take illegal drugs
primarily because I don't have any
If I did have some, I would take them
Because as the great sage and eminent junkie once opined
in a world clearly going to hell
what's so low about getting a little high?
Later on we were fishing at the seaport
Kenny Wangler caught a bunch of weird turtle mermaid hybrids
A bunch of guys were going over to Paris
to dance and pick up girls
I was a little disappointed
because I wanted to go to Paris but I don't dance well
and I don't know how to pick up girls
it only happens by accident.
I woke up and IT WAS ALL TRUE!